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Achieving Sustainability And Efficiency Through Your Air Filters

Filtration Concepts

When wanting to become more sustainable a couple of things usually come to mind. LED fixtures, lighting automation, solar panels, wind turbines, or more. Of course, all of these options can help your establishment become more sustainable, they also come with a hefty up-front cost and can take years or sometimes decades to see your ROI.

But what often gets overlooked in achieving sustainability is the impact that air filters can have.

Just from an energy standpoint, choosing the right filter and changing it at the desired pressure drop can reduce up to 30% of total energy costs. That is huge considering a study by the American Society of Heating and Air-Conditioning show that as much as 60% of the total energy costs for an institution is used by HVAC systems.

But reducing energy is just the first step in achieving overall sustainability. Other issues that filters can affect include CO2 Emissions, Labor, and Landfill Impact. But all of that starts with having the right filters in your units.

Choosing The Right Filter

Having the right filter is crucial to achieving sustainability. When looking at air filters, there are several factors that need to be considered that can help with being more sustainable. Some of these factors include the filter's

  • Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV Rating)

  • Dust Holding Capacity (DHC)

  • Media Quality

  • Average Pressure Drop

  • Resistance To Air Flow

These factors must be closely examined in the decision-making process in order to achieve sustainability. Overlooking these factors can jeopardize any chance at having a sustainable filter program. So having the right filter is very important.

Having The Right Schedule

In addition to having the right filter, replacing filters at the right time is also necessary for achieving sustainability. Leaving air filters in the units just a couple of months after they're supposed to be changed can significantly increase energy costs.

Below you will see an example of energy consumption difference just by leaving the filter in your unit 2 months past the desired change out date.

We were able to calculate the amount of energy used by using an energy formula for air filters that take several factors into consideration. Factors such as

  • Average Pressure Drop

  • Air Flow

  • Run Time

  • Fan Efficiency

The best way to ensure that this does not happen is to have each filter on a schedule for change out. Not only will this keep energy consumption at its lowest point possible, but it will guarantee that every filter is changed and that none are forgotten - which happens quite often.

But having filters on a schedule requires a lot of responsibility from Facilities. Too often, this feat is unrealistic due to the high demand and work load of this task. Typically there are not enough hours in the day or feet on the ground to change every filter when they need to be changed without having a very efficient filter program. And this is absolutely necessary for achieving sustainability.


Filt-Trac Supply Program

A Unique Supply Chain Management Supply System Guaranteed To Achieve Sustainability And Efficiency.

Filtration Concept's Filt-Trac Supply Program is a just-in-time supply chain management service that combines efficient and sustainable filtration solutions. Not only will Filt-Trac guarantee sustainability, but it supplies filters in a unique way that makes it as easy as possible to purchase, receive, and install filters. Filt-Trac has proven to

  • Reduce up to 30% of total energy costs

  • Reduce landfill impact

  • Reduce waste by up to 50%

  • Reduce carbon emissions

  • Improve indoor air quality

  • Reduce labor

  • Increase efficiency

To achieve this, it begins with our on-site survey and green initiative analysis. This process will ensure that you will get the most efficient and sustainable filter options available.


In order to achieve sustainability you must have the right filter in your units as well as the right schedule. Filt-Trac starts with an on-site building by building, unit by unit survey of every single filter in every single building. From this process we will be able to see what filter options are available and suggest the most sustainable solutions.

Green Initiatives Analysis

From this survey, we will put together a Green Initiatives Analysis that shows the difference in filter options regarding

  • Energy Consumption

  • Landfill Impact

  • Labor

  • CO2 Emissions

R1 Research University Green Initiative Analysis Executive Summary

From this analysis, you will see the before and after effects of having more sustainable filter solutions.

But helping our clients achieve sustainability is just the beginning of what Filt-Trac does. Filt-Trac also focuses on helping you become more efficient in purchasing and managing of air filters.

Master List

During the survey process not only are we looking for the best sustainable options, but we are cataloging all of your filters and completing a Master List of every filter by AHU, Building, or Location. This information will be utilized in assigning Filt-Trac ID Numbers to all of your units in your facility. Once the Master List is complete we sit down with you, package filters into manageable workloads and establish a frequency and apply your annual schedule for change out.

When filters arrive on your dock they will have Filt-Trac labels on them telling you where the filters go. This not only saves time on sorting but makes installing filters a breeze.

It’s All In The Delivery Now that filters have assigned ID’s and schedule, we will start to supply filters according to that information. No longer will you receive filters in bulk where you have to sort them yourself, but filters will arrive on your dock already separated by building, floor, AHU, etc. and ready for installation. The filters that arrive on your dock are those that need to be changed that week or month according to your schedule.

Get Your Warehouse Back Filters can take up an overwhelming amount of space in warehouses. But because filters are supplied according to your schedule, the need for warehousing a mountain of inventory is no longer needed. All costs associated with keeping inventory is eliminated, and the risk of warehousing “dead inventory” is also eliminated. Easier Procurement Ernst & Young state that procurement employees spend up to 109 hours a year searching for products and creating PO's. Filt-Trac eliminates the need for continuous ordering and requisitioning of filters. The Time associated with figuring out what filters to order is eliminated as well. Requisitioning and purchasing filters is reduced to one annual PO. FIlt-Trac also makes it easier to see exactly where your money is going regarding filters. Our Cost Centers break down the cost by building and by filter so you can see what you are paying for air filters in specific areas.


Filt-Trac was designed with the vision of providing a smooth flow of operations between supply and service. We believe in providing our clients exactly what they need, packaged in the most efficient and convenient manner and delivered as soon as you need them.

Filt-Trac is not designed to bind our clients into a spending pattern, but rather to facilitate their service department, lessen the load on the procurement offices and free up space in the warehouse.

All aspects of the Filt-Trac Supply Program are provided at no cost to you. The only cost incurred is the unit price per filter.

Filtration Concepts provides the most energy efficient filters on the right schedule in the easiest way to help you achieve your sustainability goals.

For more information about Filtration Concept’s Filt-Trac Supply Program, contact Tim Deleon via phone at 806-470-0099 or Toll-Free at 800-687-5996. Or just email for questions -


"Since we have been using Filtration Concepts, our hot calls are down by about 30%. We have more time for true Preventative Maintenance."

"Our Experience with Filtration Concepts has been that they will bend over backward to provide us with what we need."

Survey Request

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8718 CR 6835

Lubbock, Texas 79490

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