One of our most recent clients is a major University system located in SE USA. They have a main campus and several satellite campuses throughout the city and surrounding towns. When we first met with them they expressed their frustrations regarding their air filters. Their filter program was chaotic and they were looking for a new supplier to help make things easier when dealing with filters.
Working closely with their team during our on-site survey of the campuses, we quickly discovered that there was a huge potential for sustainability solutions related to their air filters.
Here is a quick annual summary of what they were able to achieve in savings by implementing the new sustainability options:
35% Energy
13% Filter Cost
48% Labor Costs
50% of Filters Bought
34% CO2 Emissions
33% Landfill
*all in relation to HVAC filters
The Process
The first and most important task we complete is our on-site survey. This allows us to see what options you have available for transitioning to a more sustainable filter program.
After the completion of the survey, we present our findings and recommendations to the departments that are involved with filters and then they will decide whether to implement the recommendations or not.
In this scenario, they looked over the recommended revisions and decided to go with the cheaper and more sustainable filter options.
Energy Cost
Note that all of the following information is based on the filters we saw that had the option to go to a more efficient filter. Filters that had no options are not included in our findings.
The first of many dominos to fall during the sustainable filter transition was the reduction of HVAC energy usage. Higher-quality filters like the ones we recommended have a lower average pressure drop which means air does not have to work as hard to get through the filter.
With their current option, they were spending $422,966.83 on energy for HVAC. With the higher-quality recommendations they were able to cut that number down to $276,397.96
A total of 35% reduction in energy costs related to air filters.
Filter Cost
Even though the University transitioned to better, higher-quality filters, they were able to reduce the amount of money spent on filters. With the University's current filters, they were spending $99, 958.09.
With the sustainable options we recommended, they are now spending $86,144.07. A 13% reduction in filter cost.
Labor Cost
The reason behind the price decrease for a higher quality product is because that filter is able to last up to twice as long which means they will have to be changed less often.
Based on the information given to us by the University, they were able to reduce labor costs associated with changing filters by 48%.
Filter Count and Waste and CO2 Emissions
Buying fewer filters and changing them less often lead to other benefits as well.
The number of filters bought annually went from 3,642 to 1,821 a total reduction of 50%. Because of this, the amount of waste they produced was reduced by 33% which then reduced carbon emissions by 34%.
Here is a quick recap of the information:
The University System was able to achieve a green, sustainable, and cheaper filter program by simply changing the type of filters in their units and having the right schedule.
Here are some other departments that benefit from getting their filter supplied by us:
Please visit our website ( for more information on the unique way we supply filters and all the benefits associated with them. Or you can contact for more specific questions.